One Step At a Time...
You Can Go Meatless
One Day For All Three Meals
Adequately feeding your
immune system boosts its fighting power. Immune boosters work in many ways.
They increase the number of white cells in the immune system army, train them
to fight better, and help them form an overall better battle plan. Boosters
also help to eliminate the deadwood in the army, substances that drag the body
down. Here are the top nine nutrients to add to your family's diet to cut down
on days missed from work and school because of illness.
1.Vitamin C.
Vitamin C tops the list of immune boosters for many reasons. There has been
more research about the immune-boosting effects of Vitamin C than perhaps any
other nutrient. Vitamin C supplements are inexpensive to produce, and it's
available naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Also, you can buy a
vitamin-C-fortified version of just about anything. Here's what the research
shows about how this mighty vitamin protects your body:
Vitamin C increases
the production of infection-fighting white blood cells and antibodies and
increases levels of interferon, the antibody that coats cell surfaces,
preventing the entry of viruses. Vitamin C reduces the risk of cardiovascular
disease by raising levels of HDL (good) cholesterol while lowering blood
pressure and interfering with the process by which fat is converted to plaque
in the arteries. As an added perk, persons whose diets are higher in vitamin C
have lower rates of colon, prostate, and breast cancer.
2.Vitamin E. This
important antioxidant and immune booster doesn't get as much press as vitamin
C, yet it's important to a healthy immune system.
Vitamin E stimulates the
production of natural killer cells, those that seek out and destroy germs and
cancer cells. Vitamin E enhances the production of B-cells, the immune cells
that produce antibodies that destroy bacteria. Vitamin E supplementation may
also reverse some of the decline in immune response commonly seen in aging.
It's not difficult to get 30
to 60 milligrams every day of Vitamin E from a diet rich in seeds, vegetable
oils, and grains, but it's difficult for most people to consume more than 60
milligrams a day consistently through diet alone. Supplements may be necessary
to get enough vitamin E to boost your immune system.
3. Carotenoids. Beta carotene increases the number of
infection-fighting cells, natural killer cells, and helper T-cells, as well as
being a powerful antioxidant that mops up excess free radicals that accelerate
aging. Like the other "big three" antioxidants, vitamins C and E, it
reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by interfering with how the fats and
cholesterol in the bloodstream oxidize to form arterial plaques. Studies have
shown that beta carotene can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease,
especially strokes and heart attacks, giving scientific credence to the belief
that a carrot a day can keep the heart surgeon away. Beta carotene also
protects against cancer by stimulating the immune cells called macrophages to
produce tumor necrosis factor, which kills cancer cells. It has also been shown
that beta carotene supplements can increase the production of T-cell
lymphocytes and natural killer cells and can enhance the ability of the natural
killer cells to attack cancer cells.
- A. Beta carotene is the most familiar carotenoid, but it is only one member of a large family. Researchers believe that it is not just beta carotene that produces all these good effects, but all the carotenoids working together.
- B. Bioflavenoids. A group of phytonutrients called bioflavenoids aids the immune system by protecting the cells of the body against environmental pollutants. Bioflavenoids protect the cell membranes against the pollutants trying to attach to them. Along the membrane of each cell there are microscopic parking spaces, called receptor sites. Pollutants, toxins, or germs can park here and gradually eat their way into the membrane of the cell, but when bioflavenoids fill up these parking spots there is no room for toxins to park. A diet that contains a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, at least six servings per day, will help you get the bioflavenoids needed to help your immune system work in top form.
4. Zinc. This
valuable mineral increases the production of white blood cells that fight
infection and helps them fight more aggressively. It also increases killer
cells that fight against cancer and helps white cells release more antibodies.
Zinc supplements have been shown to slow the growth of cancer.
5. Garlic. This
flavorful member of the onion family is a powerful immune booster that
stimulates the multiplication of infection-fighting white cells, boosts natural
killer cell activity, and increases the efficiency of antibody production. The
immune-boosting properties of garlic seem to be due to its sulfur-containing
compounds, such as allicin and sulfides.
6. Selenium. This mineral
increases natural killer cells and
mobilizes cancer-fighting cells. Best food sources of selenium are tuna, red
snapper, lobster, shrimp, whole grains, vegetables (depending on the selenium
content of the soil they're grown in), brown rice, egg yolks, cottage cheese,
chicken (white meat), sunflower seeds, garlic, Brazil nuts, and lamb chops.
7. Omega-3 fatty Acids. A study found that children taking a half teaspoon of flax oil a day
experienced fewer and less severe respiratory infections and fewer days of
being absent from school. The omega 3 fatty acids in flax oil and fatty fish
(such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel) act as immune boosters by increasing the
activity of phagocytes, the white blood cells that eat up bacteria. (Perhaps
this is why grandmothers used to insist on a daily dose of unpalatable cod
liver oil.) Essential fatty acids also protect the body against damage from
over-reactions to infection. When taking essential fatty acid supplements, such
as flax or fish oils, take additional vitamin E, which acts together with
essential fatty acids to boost the immune system.
8. Vitamin D is another nutrient to amp up on. Being deficient may
leave us vulnerable to colds and flu and it is tough to get enough from
sunlight (which triggers the body to create it) or food.
9. Probiotics. Probiotics, or the "live active cultures"
found in yogurt, are healthy bacteria that keep the gut and intestinal tract
free of disease-causing germs. Although they're available in supplement form, a
study from the University of Vienna in Austria found that a daily 7-ounce dose
of yogurt was just as effective in boosting immunity as popping pills.
Probiotics support immune, digestive and overall health.
Most important, eat a
well-balanced diet that’s not lacking in any nutrient, including calories. Flu
season is no time to go o a crash diet. Severely limiting calories can decrease
your body’s defenses.
Looking for a good
nutrient/supplementation program for your family? Contact me and I can be your Transfer Bridge from
Dis-Ease and Stuckness to Ultimate Wellness.
Meatless Recipe:
and Spinach Burgers
(Adapted Naturally Ella)
1/2 cup chickpeas (drained, if using canned)
1/4 cup onion,
1 cup spinach, packed
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
1 egg
1/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
Pinch salt
chickpeas and onion in a food processor, pulse a few times to break up the
chickpeas. Add in spinach, oil, soy sauce, oregano, paprika, and sunflower
seeds, pulse a few more times.
Add in egg,
salt, flour, and breadcrumbs, pulsing until mixture comes together and is well
blended. Remove from food processor, run your hands under water, and shape
patties. If grilling out, bake in an oven for 10 minutes in order to get a
start on the burger. If pan frying, you can use right away.
3. If pan frying, cook over medium-low heat
for roughly 6-8 minutes on each side. The outside should be browned and crispy.
Enjoy and
Bon Appetit!
Have a
great week everyone and remember a better tomorrow starts with what you eat
Do you
have a favorite meatless recipe you would like to share with us? Send it my
you health and wellness from the inside out,
Wellness Coach
in Optimal Wellness? Take a look at products available here!
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Today’s progress is determined by yesterday’s choices.”
~Author Unknown~
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