Saturday, February 23, 2013

Weekend Wellness: Strengthen Your Immune System

Strengthen Your Immune System to Fight Infection And Disease

The immune system is the body’s “wellness warrior” so it is important that we give it the ammunition it needs to fight the bacteria, parasites and toxins that cause infections and diseases. Strengthening the immune is the single most important thing we can do to stay healthy.

There are a number of external factors that can adversely affect our immune systems. Toxins in the environment can either suppress the immune system or cause it to “overact” to allergens. Air pollution, cigarette smoke, pesticides and chemically based cleaning products can gradually weaken our body’s “wellness warrior.”  Unfortunately, many of us come into contact with these toxins on a daily basis.  Since we can’t control most of the external factors, it is critical that we take advantage of the immune-strengthening steps that are within our power to take. Mother Nature has supplied us with everything we need to heal, regenerate and restore balance within our bodies.

A diet filled with immune boosting nutrients can go a long way toward keeping us strong and healthy. Limit your consumption of caffeine, alcohol, sugar and processed foods. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and buy local, organic produce whenever possible. To classify as organic, a food must have been grown without the use of harmful synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers and must be produced on a farmland that has been free of such chemicals for at least three years. Locally grown organic food is superior in terms of taste and freshness.

Ideally we should get the majority of vitamins and minerals we need from the foods we eat, but most people don’t get the recommended amounts of nutrients in their daily diets.  That is why more than 150 million Americans use nutritional supplements to guard their health. The type of supplement needed will vary from person to person depending on factors such as age, activity level and overall health.

Nutritional supplements along with exercise, proper rest and common sense solutions like frequent hand washing can go a long way toward protecting your health. With cold and flu season here it is more important than ever that we strengthen our immune system and keep our “wellness warrior” ready to fight for our health. The larger the insult, invasion, trauma or injury, the longer the battle is fought until healing occurs. This is why it is essential to have the strongest immune system possible. If your army is weak, or constantly battling candida, allergens or toxins, how will it have the energy, resources or troops available to quickly, efficiently and successfully tackle any serious invasion? Once the invaders take over a battlefield, you now have a war on your hands. If you have no strong, active reinforcements, it is very difficult to win the war. Within the concept of the body’s immune (defense) system:
Symptom=warning of impending situation; opportunity to reassess/modify= negotiate truce
Infection or injury = Scrimmage or Battle   
Disease =War
Building your immune is easy, safe and natural with Shaklee’s Immunity Defense Supplements:
  • Nutriferon: is a powerful breakthrough in immune system science. This clinically tested; natural interferon booster is available exclusively from Shaklee. Are you tired of being sick? Then protest yourself and your family with Nutriferon. The world’s first natural interferon, an unprecedented Boost for your immune system. Today’s hectic lifestyle, stress & fatigue lowers your defense against disease.
  • Defend & Resist Complex: Take when you feel that first tickle. Help your body respond to seasonal challenges by giving your immune system what it needs to stay strong. To supercharge your immune system when you feel that first tickle. Take six tablets a day for seven days. 
  • Immunity Formula I: To keep your immune system strong and in good working order, Immunity Formula I provides the essential nutrients for healthy immune function. Easy to take capsules provide unique formula of vitamins and minerals that are key immunoactive nutrients.

For more information on Shaklee’s Immune Building Products click here 

Wishing you health and wellness from the inside out,

Professional Wellness Coach

Interested in Optimal Wellness? Take a look at products available here!
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“To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”
~William Londen~

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